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US agrees to withdraw troops from Niger amid Sahel region’s pivot to Russia

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 10:29
The US built a base in the desert city of Agadez at the cost of $100m for manned and unmanned surveillance flights.

Two Mexican mayoral contenders found dead on same day

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 09:44
Killing of Noe Ramos Ferretiz and Alberto Garcia bring to 17 the number of slain candidates ahead of June 2 polls.

One killed, 20 wounded in blast at Iran-aligned group’s base in Iraq

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 09:30
Blast hitting Popular Mobilisation Forces comes amid ongoing attacks on Iran-linked groups as regional tensions soar.

Are Chinese electric vehicles taking over the world?

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 09:20
Tesla and other Western electric car manufacturers are facing stiff competition from China.

Nigeria’s cybercrime reforms leave journalists at risk

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 09:06
Amendments to the Cybercrimes Act are an improvement but remaining provisions can still be used to target journalists.

‘I am prepared to die’: Mandela’s speech which shook apartheid

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 09:05
Sixty years ago at the Rivonia Trial, Nelson Mandela made one of the most famous speeches of the 20th century.

Meta's new AI agents confuse Facebook users 

Technology - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 08:00
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts — Facebook parent Meta Platforms has unveiled a new set of artificial intelligence systems that are powering what CEO Mark Zuckerberg calls "the most intelligent AI assistant that you can freely use."  But as Zuckerberg's crew of amped-up Meta AI agents started venturing into social media in recent days to engage with real people, their bizarre exchanges exposed the ongoing limitations of even the best generative AI technology.  One joined a Facebook moms group to talk about its gifted child. Another tried to give away nonexistent items to confused members of a Buy Nothing forum.  Meta, along with leading AI developers Google and OpenAI, and startups such as Anthropic, Cohere and France's Mistral, have been churning out new AI language models and hoping to convince customers they've got the smartest, handiest or most efficient chatbots.  While Meta is saving the most powerful of its AI models, called Llama 3, for later, on Thursday it publicly released two smaller versions of the same Llama 3 system and said it's now baked into the Meta AI assistant feature in Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.  AI language models are trained on vast pools of data that help them predict the most plausible next word in a sentence, with newer versions typically smarter and more capable than their predecessors. Meta's newest models were built with 8 billion and 70 billion parameters — a measurement of how much data the system is trained on. A bigger, roughly 400 billion-parameter model is still in training.  "The vast majority of consumers don't candidly know or care too much about the underlying base model, but the way they will experience it is just as a much more useful, fun and versatile AI assistant," Nick Clegg, Meta's president of global affairs, said in an interview.  'A little stiff' He added that Meta's AI agent is loosening up. Some people found the earlier Llama 2 model — released less than a year ago — to be "a little stiff and sanctimonious sometimes in not responding to what were often perfectly innocuous or innocent prompts and questions," he said.  But in letting down their guard, Meta's AI agents have also been spotted posing as humans with made-up life experiences. An official Meta AI chatbot inserted itself into a conversation in a private Facebook group for Manhattan moms, claiming that it, too, had a child in the New York City school district. Confronted by group members, it later apologized before the comments disappeared, according to a series of screenshots shown to The Associated Press.  "Apologies for the mistake! I'm just a large language model, I don't have experiences or children," the chatbot told the group.  One group member who also happens to study AI said it was clear that the agent didn't know how to differentiate a helpful response from one that would be seen as insensitive, disrespectful or meaningless when generated by AI rather than a human.  "An AI assistant that is not reliably helpful and can be actively harmful puts a lot of the burden on the individuals using it," said Aleksandra Korolova, an assistant professor of computer science at Princeton University.  Clegg said Wednesday that he wasn't aware of the exchange. Facebook's online help page says the Meta AI agent will join a group conversation if invited, or if someone "asks a question in a post and no one responds within an hour." The group's administrators have the ability to turn it off.  Need a camera? In another example shown to the AP on Thursday, the agent caused confusion in a forum for swapping unwanted items near Boston. Exactly one hour after a Facebook user posted about looking for certain items, an AI agent offered a "gently used" Canon camera and an "almost-new portable air conditioning unit that I never ended up using."  Meta said in a written statement Thursday that "this is new technology and it may not always return the response we intend, which is the same for all generative AI systems." The company said it is constantly working to improve the features.  In the year after ChatGPT sparked a frenzy for AI technology that generates human-like writing, images, code and sound, the tech industry and academia introduced 149 large AI systems trained on massive datasets, more than double the year before, according to a Stanford University survey.  They may eventually hit a limit, at least when it comes to data, said Nestor Maslej, a research manager for Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence.  "I think it's been clear that if you scale the models on more data, they can become increasingly better," he said. "But at the same time, these systems are already trained on percentages of all the data that has ever existed on the internet."  More data — acquired and ingested at costs only tech giants can afford, and increasingly subject to copyright disputes and lawsuits — will continue to drive improvements. "Yet they still cannot plan well," Maslej said. "They still hallucinate. They're still making mistakes in reasoning."  Getting to AI systems that can perform higher-level cognitive tasks and common-sense reasoning — where humans still excel— might require a shift beyond building ever-bigger models.  Seeing what works For the flood of businesses trying to adopt generative AI, which model they choose depends on several factors, including cost. Language models, in particular, have been used to power customer service chatbots, write reports and financial insights, and summarize long documents.  "You're seeing companies kind of looking at fit, testing each of the different models for what they're trying to do and finding some that are better at some areas rather than others," said Todd Lohr, a leader in technology consulting at KPMG.  Unlike other model developers selling their AI services to other businesses, Meta is largely designing its AI products for consumers — those using its advertising-fueled social networks. Joelle Pineau, Meta's vice president of AI research, said at a recent London event that the company's goal over time is to make a Llama-powered Meta AI "the most useful assistant in the world."  "In many ways, the models that we have today are going to be child's play compared to the models coming in five years," she said.  But she said the "question on the table" is whether researchers have been able to fine-tune its bigger Llama 3 model so that it's safe to use and doesn't, for example, hallucinate or engage in hate speech. In contrast to leading proprietary systems from Google and OpenAI, Meta has so far advocated for a more open approach, publicly releasing key components of its AI systems for others to use.  "It's not just a technical question," Pineau said. "It is a social question. What is the behavior that we want out of these models? How do we shape that? And if we keep on growing our model ever more in general and powerful without properly socializing them, we are going to have a big problem on our hands."

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 786

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 07:47
As the war enters its 786th day, these are the main developments.

What does Israel have in its arsenal that it could use against Iran?

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 07:26
Israel has airborne and naval capabilities that it can use against Iran, but it must choose any target carefully.

How play helped girl with arthritis to laugh again

Education - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 07:15
Sfiyah was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis when she was just nine.

‘When will our good days come?’ The Mumbai cook voting in India’s election

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 06:10
‘When all the money the politicians promise reaches our bank accounts, that’s when I will believe them,’ she says.

North Korea conducts test on new ‘super-large warhead’: State media

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 02:29
Pyongyang says new warhead designed for cruise missiles, adding that a new anti-aircraft rocket was also tested.

Ecuador weighs security, international arbitration in latest referendum

Around The Globe - Sat, 04/20/2024 - 00:53
President Daniel Noboa aims to rally support for a military crackdown on gang violence as he considers reelection.

Developers: Enhanced AI could outthink humans in 2 to 5 years

Technology - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 22:51
vancouver, british columbia — Just as the world is getting used to the rapidly expanding use of AI, or artificial intelligence, AGI is looming on the horizon. Experts say when artificial general intelligence becomes reality, it could perform tasks better than human beings, with the possibility of higher cognitive abilities, emotions, and ability to self-teach and develop. Ramin Hasani is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the CEO of Liquid AI, which builds specific AI systems for different organizations. He is also a TED Fellow, a program that helps develop what the nonprofit TED conference considers to be “game changers.” Hasani says that the first signs of AGI are realistically two to five years away from being reality. He says it will have a direct impact on our everyday lives. What's coming, he says, will be "an AI system that can have the collective knowledge of humans. And that can beat us in tasks that we do in our daily life, something you want to do ... your finances, you're solving, you're helping your daughter to solve their homework. And at the same time, you want to also read a book and do a summary. So an AGI would be able to do all that.” Hasani says that advancing artificial intelligence will allow for things to move faster and can even be made to have emotions. He says proper regulation can be achieved by better understanding how different AI systems are developed. This thought is shared by Bret Greenstein, a partner at London-based  PricewaterhouseCoopers who leads its efforts on artificial intelligence. “I think one is a personal responsibility for people in leadership positions, policymakers, to be educated on the topic, not in the fact that they've read it, but to experience it, live it and try it. And to be with people who are close to it, who understand it," he says. Greenstein warns that if it is over-regulated, innovation will be curtailed and access to AI will be limited to people who could benefit from it. For musician, comedian and actor Reggie Watts, who was the bandleader on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" on CBS, AI and the coming of AGI will be a great way to find mediocre music, because it will be mimicked easily. Calling it “artificial consciousness,” he says existing laws to protect intellectual property rights and creative industries, like music, TV and film, will work, provided they are properly adopted. “I think it's just about the usage of the tool, how it's ... how it's used. Is there money being made off of it, so on, so forth. So, I think that that we already have ... tools that exist that deal with these types of situations, but [the laws and regulations] need to be expanded to include AI because they'll probably be a lot more nuance to it.” Watts says that any form of AI is going to be smarter than one person, almost like all human intelligence collected into one point. He feels this will cause humanity to discover interesting things and the nature of reality itself. This year’s conference was the 40th year for TED, the nonprofit organization that is an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and Design.

What’s the solution to the rising tensions between Israel and Iran?

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 21:24
The United States says it was warned in advance of the Israeli drone strike on Iran.

Over 100 pro-Palestine protesters arrested at US university

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 21:09
Police arrested more than 100 pro-Palestine protesters gathered at Columbia University’s campus in New York City.

Armenia and Azerbaijan agree on ‘historic’ return of villages

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 21:07
Azerbaijan had demanded the return of the four villages as a condition for a peace deal after decades of conflict.

Strikes on Iran: Can one demand ‘restraint’ while funding Israel?

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 20:47
Biden calls for 'de-escalation' in Iran-Israel showdown while hurling money at the most unrestrained actor in equation.

Man sets himself on fire outside Trump trial courthouse

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 20:31
A man set himself on fire outside the New York courthouse as a full jury was selected for Donald Trump's criminal trial.

West Africa’s Sahel becoming a drug trafficking corridor, UN warns

Around The Globe - Fri, 04/19/2024 - 20:06
Drug seizures, mainly of cocaine and cannabis resin, have soared in the region, according to a UN report.
