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Israel continues to bomb Gaza, including Rafah, despite ICJ ruling

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 15:12
Dozens of Palestinians killed across the besieged territory as Israeli forces hit multiple targets from north to south.

Watching the watchdogs: The US media and intergenerational fault lines

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 14:27
The media is playing a central role in the clash between progressive youth and the political establishment in the US.

Millions vote amid heatwave alert in Phase 6 of India’s staggered election

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 14:01
Many people lined polling stations before the start of voting at 7am to avoid blazing sun at peak of summer.

A brief history of the traffic light and why we need a new colour

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 13:10
The design has barely changed in 100 years but, now, self-drive vehicles may need a fourth colour.

Modi’s media marathon

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 12:08
As Narendra Modi fights for a third term in office, his media blitz is like nothing he has done before.

Punched, choked, kicked: German police crack down on student protests

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 11:30
Germany’s students protesting against Israel’s war on Gaza say their right to free speech is under attack.

‘Down with dictatorship’: Tunisians rally against gov’t crackdown on media

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 11:11
Demonstration comes after two Tunisian commentators critical of President Saeid were sentenced to prison.

Italy to resume UNRWA funding as Gaza faces humanitarian crisis

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 10:59
Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani says most of the $38m funding will be allocated for food in Gaza.

Periods during exams were a 'nightmare'

Education - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 10:38
A woman recalled writhing in period pain during her A-levels as she struggled to concentrate.

Four anti-Muslim claims dominating India’s election: What’s the truth?

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 10:25
India's Hindu nationalists have peddled conspiracy theories about Muslims. Here are some facts about their claims.

Chile arrests firefighter for allegedly starting deadly blaze in February

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 09:11
A firefighter and a forest official held on suspicion of starting a fire that killed 137 people in Vina del Mar city.

Some 45,000 Rohingya flee amid allegations of beheading, burning in Myanmar

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 08:55
UN rights chief Volker Turk urges Bangladesh, other countries 'to provide effective protection' to the latest refugees.

Rescuers search rubble after over 300 buried in Papua New Guinea landslide

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 08:03
Landslide blocked highway access to affected communities making helicopters the easiest way to reach the disaster zone.

China's Digital Silk Road exports internet technology, controls

Technology - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 08:00
washington — China promotes its help to Southeast Asian countries in modernizing their digital landscapes through investments in infrastructure as part of its "Digital Silk Road." But rights groups say Beijing is also exporting its model of authoritarian governance of the internet through censorship, surveillance and controls. China's state media this week announced Chinese electrical appliance manufacturer Midea Group jointly built its first overseas 5G factory in Thailand with Thai mobile operator AIS, Chinese telecom service provider China Unicom and tech giant Huawei. The 208,000-square-meter smart factory will have its own 5G network, Xinhua news agency reported. Earlier this month, Beijing reached an agreement with Cambodia to establish a Digital Law Library of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Inter-Parliamentary Assembly. Cambodia's Khmer Times said the objective is to "expand all-round cooperation in line with the strategic partnership and building a common destiny community." But parallel to China's state media-promoted technology investments, rights groups say Beijing is also helping countries in the region to build what they call "digital authoritarian governance." Article 19, an international human rights organization dedicated to promoting freedom of expression globally and named after Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in an April report said the purpose of the Digital Silk Road is not solely to promote China's technology industry. The report, China: The rise of digital repression in the Indo-Pacific, says Beijing is also using its technology to reshape the region's standards of digital freedom and governance to increasingly match its own. VOA contacted the Chinese Embassy in the U.S. for a response but did not receive one by the time of publication. Model of digital governance Looking at case studies of Cambodia, Malaysia, Nepal and Thailand, the Article 19 report says Beijing is spreading China's model of digital governance along with Chinese technology and investments from companies such as Huawei, ZTE and Alibaba. Michael Caster, Asia digital program manager with Article 19, told VOA, "China has been successful at providing a needed service, in the delivery of digital development toward greater connectivity, but also in making digital development synonymous with the adoption of PRC [People's Republic of China]-style digital governance, which is at odds with international human rights and internet freedom principles, by instead promoting notions of total state control through censorship and surveillance, and digital sovereignty away from universal norms." The group says in Thailand, home to the world's largest overseas Chinese community, agreements with China bolstered internet controls imposed after Thailand's 2014 coup, and it notes that Bangkok has since been considering a China-style Great Firewall, the censorship mechanism Beijing uses to control online content. In Nepal, the report notes security and intelligence-sharing agreements with China and concerns that Chinese security camera technology is being used to surveil exiled Tibetans, the largest such group outside India. The group says Malaysia's approach to information infrastructure appears to increasingly resemble China's model, citing Kuala Lumpur's cybersecurity law passed in April and its partnering with Chinese companies whose technology has been used for repressing minorities inside China. Most significantly, Article 19 says China is involved at "all levels" of Cambodia's digital ecosystem. Huawei, which is facing increasing bans in Western nations over cybersecurity concerns, has a monopoly on cloud services in Cambodia. While Chinese companies say they would not hand over private data to Beijing, experts doubt they would have any choice because of national security laws. Internet gateway Phnom Penh announced a decree in 2021 to build a National Internet Gateway similar to China's Great Firewall, restricting the Cambodian people's access to Western media and social networking sites. "That we have seen the normalization of a China-style Great Firewall in some of the countries where China's influence is most pronounced or its digital development support strongest, such as with Cambodia, is no coincidence," Caster said. The Cambodian government says the portal will strengthen national security and help combat tax fraud and cybercrime. But the Internet Society, a U.S.- and Switzerland-based nonprofit internet freedom group, says it would allow the government to monitor individual internet use and transactions, and to trace identities and locations. Kian Vesteinsson, a senior researcher for technology and democracy with rights group Freedom House, told VOA, "The Chinese Communist Party and companies that are aligned with the Chinese state have led a charge internationally to push for internet fragmentation. And when I say internet fragmentation, I mean these efforts to carve out domestic internets that are isolated from global internet traffic." Despite Chinese support and investment, Vesteinsson notes that Cambodia has not yet implemented the plan for a government-controlled internet. "Building the Chinese model of digital authoritarianism into a country's internet infrastructure is extraordinarily difficult. It's expensive. It requires technical capacity. It requires state capacity, and all signs point to the Cambodian government struggling on those fronts." Vesteinsson says while civil society and foreign political pressure play a role, business concerns are also relevant as requirements to censor online speech or spy on users create costs for the private sector. "These governments that are trying to cultivate e-commerce should keep in mind that a legal environment that is free from these obligations to do censorship and surveillance will be more appealing to companies that are evaluating whether to start up domestic operations," he said. Article 19's Caster says countries concerned about China's authoritarian internet model spreading should do more to support connectivity and internet development worldwide. "This support should be based on human rights law and internet freedom principles," he said, "to prevent China from exploiting internet development needs to position its services – and often by extension its authoritarian model – as the most accessible option." China will hold its annual internet conference in Beijing July 9-11. China's Xinhua news agency reports this year's conference will discuss artificial intelligence, digital government, information technology application innovation, data security and international cooperation. Adrianna Zhang contributed to this report.

Attempts to regulate AI's hidden hand in Americans' lives flounder

Technology - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 07:55
DENVER — The first attempts to regulate artificial intelligence programs that play a hidden role in hiring, housing and medical decisions for millions of Americans are facing pressure from all sides and floundering in statehouses nationwide. Only one of seven bills aimed at preventing AI's penchant to discriminate when making consequential decisions — including who gets hired, money for a home or medical care — has passed. Colorado Gov. Jared Polis hesitantly signed the bill on Friday. Colorado's bill and those that faltered in Washington, Connecticut and elsewhere faced battles on many fronts, including between civil rights groups and the tech industry, and lawmakers wary of wading into a technology few yet understand and governors worried about being the odd-state-out and spooking AI startups. Polis signed Colorado's bill "with reservations," saying in an statement he was wary of regulations dousing AI innovation. The bill has a two-year runway and can be altered before it becomes law. "I encourage (lawmakers) to significantly improve on this before it takes effect," Polis wrote. Colorado's proposal, along with six sister bills, are complex, but will broadly require companies to assess the risk of discrimination from their AI and inform customers when AI was used to help make a consequential decision for them. The bills are separate from more than 400 AI-related bills that have been debated this year. Most are aimed at slices of AI, such as the use of deepfakes in elections or to make pornography. The seven bills are more ambitious, applying across major industries and targeting discrimination, one of the technology's most perverse and complex problems. "We actually have no visibility into the algorithms that are used, whether they work or they don't, or whether we're discriminated against," said Rumman Chowdhury, AI envoy for the U.S. Department of State who previously led Twitter's AI ethics team. While anti-discrimination laws are already on the books, those who study AI discrimination say it's a different beast, which the U.S. is already behind in regulating. "The computers are making biased decisions at scale," said Christine Webber, a civil rights attorney who has worked on class action lawsuits over discrimination including against Boeing and Tyson Foods. Now, Webber is nearing final approval on one of the first-in-the-nation settlements in a class action over AI discrimination. "Not, I should say, that the old systems were perfectly free from bias either," said Webber. But "any one person could only look at so many resumes in the day. So you could only make so many biased decisions in one day and the computer can do it rapidly across large numbers of people." When you apply for a job, an apartment or a home loan, there's a good chance AI is assessing your application: sending it up the line, assigning it a score or filtering it out. It's estimated as many as 83% of employers use algorithms to help in hiring, according to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. AI itself doesn't know what to look for in a job application, so it's taught based on past resumes. The historical data that is used to train algorithms can smuggle in bias. Amazon, for example, worked on a hiring algorithm that was trained on old resumes: largely male applicants. When assessing new applicants, it downgraded resumes with the word "women's" or that listed women's colleges because they were not represented in the historical data — the resumes — it had learned from. The project was scuttled. Webber's class action lawsuit alleges that an AI system that scores rental applications disproportionately assigned lower scores to Black or Hispanic applicants. A study found that an AI system built to assess medical needs passed over Black patients for special care. Studies and lawsuits have allowed a glimpse under the hood of AI systems, but most algorithms remain veiled. Americans are largely unaware that these tools are being used, polling from Pew Research shows. Companies generally aren't required to explicitly disclose that an AI was used. "Just pulling back the curtain so that we can see who's really doing the assessing and what tool is being used is a huge, huge first step," said Webber. "The existing laws don't work if we can't get at least some basic information." That's what Colorado's bill, along with another surviving bill in California, are trying to change. The bills, including a flagship proposal in Connecticut that was killed under opposition from the governor, are largely similar. Colorado's bill will require companies using AI to help make consequential decisions for Americans to annually assess their AI for potential bias; implement an oversight program within the company; tell the state attorney general if discrimination was found; and inform to customers when an AI was used to help make a decision for them, including an option to appeal. Labor unions and academics fear that a reliance on companies overseeing themselves means it'll be hard to proactively address discrimination in an AI system before it's done damage. Companies are fearful that forced transparency could reveal trade secrets, including in potential litigation, in this hyper-competitive new field. AI companies also pushed for, and generally received, a provision that only allows the attorney general, not citizens, to file lawsuits under the new law. Enforcement details have been left up to the attorney general. While larger AI companies have more or less been on board with these proposals, a group of smaller Colorado-based AI companies said the requirements might be manageable by behemoth AI companies, but not by budding startups. "We are in a brand new era of primordial soup," said Logan Cerkovnik, founder of Thumper.ai, referring to the field of AI. "Having overly restrictive legislation that forces us into definitions and restricts our use of technology while this is forming is just going to be detrimental to innovation." All agreed, along with many AI companies, that what's formally called "algorithmic discrimination" is critical to tackle. But they said the bill as written falls short of that goal. Instead, they proposed beefing up existing anti-discrimination laws. Chowdhury worries that lawsuits are too costly and time consuming to be an effective enforcement tool, and laws should instead go beyond what even Colorado is proposing. Instead, Chowdhury and academics have proposed accredited, independent organization that can explicitly test for potential bias in an AI algorithm. "You can understand and deal with a single person who is discriminatory or biased," said Chowdhury. "What do we do when it's embedded into the entire institution?"

Colombia’s ex-President Uribe charged with witness tampering

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 07:49
Uribe, who was president from 2002 to 2010, faces up to 12 years in prison for witness tampering and bribing witnesses.

ICC T20 World Cup 2024 stadiums: Where’s India vs Pakistan and the final?

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 06:33
Al Jazeera's guide to the nine venues that will host the T20 World Cup matches in the United States and West Indies.

Fearing war with China, civilians in Taiwan prepare for disaster

Around The Globe - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 05:52
With society polarised, establishment criticised for doing too little, people take civil defence into their own hands.

Smartphone ban for kids 'worth considering' - MPs

Education - Sat, 05/25/2024 - 02:21
The Education Select Committee report warns that some phone use resembles "behavioural addiction".
