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Updated: 1 hour 17 min ago

UK has begun mass arrests of potential Rwanda deportees: What’s next?

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 11:50
The UK Home Office has lost contact with more than half the people it wants to deport, has vowed to find them.

Palestinian employee of German development agency ‘abused’ in Israeli jail

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:49
Baraa Odeh has told her lawyer from prison that she has been repeatedly strip-searched and physically assaulted.

Palestinian journalists in Gaza awarded World Press Freedom prize

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:35
All Palestinian journalists covering Israel’s war on Gaza have been awarded UNESCO’s World Press Freedom prize.

Iran’s unravelling carpet sales

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:21
Sanctions and a hobbled economy pull the rug out from under Iran's traditional carpet weavers.

Kenya, Tanzania brace for Cyclone Hidaya as flood death toll rises

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 10:01
Kenyan government orders mandatory evacuations for residents near 178 dams and water reservoirs in 33 counties.

I spent 43 days in Gaza’s now-destroyed hospitals. My mind is still there.

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 09:47
Now thousands of miles away, I think of my patients in Gaza and wonder: Are they still alive?

Jewish professor banned from US campus after arrest

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 08:49
A Jewish professor was filmed being violently arrested during an anti-Gaza war protest at Dartmouth College.

Palestinian journalists covering Gaza war win UNESCO press freedom prize

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 08:46
UN agency's chief calls award a tribute to courage of journalists facing 'difficult and dangerous' conditions in Gaza.

Rains, mudslides kill 29 in southern Brazil’s ‘worst disaster’

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 07:52
Torrential rains wreak havoc with toll expected to rise as search continues for dozens of people reported missing.

World Press Freedom Day: Gaza conflict deadliest for journalists

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 06:57
As the war in Gaza becomes the deadliest conflict for journalists, Al Jazeera looks at press freedom in the past year.

Wall Street Journal cuts Hong Kong staff, shifts focus to Singapore

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 06:44
Company-wide memo says the newspaper is shifting its 'center of gravity in the region' to Southeast Asian hub.

Orangutan seen treating wound with medicinal plant in world first

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 06:19
Sumatran orangutan named Rakus was seen using a plant to treat a facial wound possibly sustained during a fight.

Biden labels Japan and India ‘xenophobic’ along with China and Russia

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 06:03
Comments met with surprise since US president has sought to deepen ties with key ally Japan, as well as India.

Why are Pakistan’s wheat farmers protesting against the government?

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 05:47
Farmers say recent wheat import policies have caused their financial woes.

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 799

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 05:14
As the war enters its 799th day, these are the main developments.

‘Vote jihad’: As Modi raises anti-Muslim India election pitch, what’s next?

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 05:07
As the campaign targeting of Muslims becomes more direct and shrill, experts fear Modi’s words could encourage violence.

KFC Malaysia temporarily closes outlets amid Gaza boycott

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 04:12
Franchise operator cites 'challenging economic conditions' amid local reports linking closures to boycotts of Israel.

Israeli firms sold invasive surveillance tech to Indonesia: Report

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 03:55
Investigation by Amnesty, Haaretz, Tempo and others finds links between official bodies and agencies from at least 2017.

Apple iPhone sales plunge, as shares rise on dividend, stock buyback news

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 02:38
Sales of the iPhone fall 10 percent amid growing competition from Chinese rivals such as Huawei.

Russian troops deploy to airbase housing US military in Niger: US official

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 02:13
US official says Russian and US troops do not mingle at Airbase 101 as Moscow's forces deployed to a separate hanger.
